April CEO Message

April 3, 2024
april pic update


I hope you are having a good week! March has been exciting for PCI, and April will be just as exciting! As we get closer to the end of the Head Start school year, more is in store to include requests for applications for potential Class 7 members of Leadership PCI! More information regarding the application process for Leadership PCI will be provided later in this CEO Message! The Growth Mindset Quote by James Clear is enlightening. Please read and enjoy the remainder of your week. Always know that you are appreciated!

 "Holding onto anger and resentment is like scuba diving with an anchor. As long as you're clinging to it, you're bound to the seabed, limited in movement, unable to appreciate the coral reefs and the colorful fish that dart in and out of view. Forgiveness is letting go of the anchor. It isn't about declaring what was done to you is okay, but about unburdening yourself so you can swim freely. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. It's the gift of letting go of the anchors you've been carrying."~ James Clear

Dr. Sharon Small 

Please click on the link below to review the CEO Message.