CEO Message - August

Greetings All,
I’m emailing you from the NHSA Fall Leadership Institute (Virtual) at the Brady Environmental Resource Center! Due to COVID-19, we could not meet in DC, but virtual is just as good! COVID-19 has been the focus of all sessions I’ve attended which shows not only has this pandemic impacted PCI and it’s operation, but all Head Start programs in the nation!
The House Majority Whip, Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) spoke about the possibility of there being another outbreak coming from another country. Let’s hope that is not a fact. Additionally, I know many of you are using in-kind from the remote learners, but we were told today that it cannot be used. Get whatever in-kind that you can, but more than likely we will ask for a waiver.
see the attached CEO Message providing you with updates and the Calendar of Events through November. Please note there is a change in staff development in October and November. Please place a copy on your board as well as provide a copy for staff that may not have access to email. Please click on the CEO Message below for the updates and the Calendar of Events through November.
Please note there is a change in staff development in October and November. Please place a copy on your board as well as provide a copy for staff that may not have access to email.
Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated September 15 – October 15. The theme… “Hispanics: Be Proud of Your Past and Embrace Your Future!” Read more about Hispanic Heritage month in the CEO Message.
I leave you with this quote from Cesar Chavez:
"Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures." - Cesar Chavez
Have a great week and thank you for “Demonstrating Resilience, Commitment and Heart! “ You are much appreciated.
Thank you,