S.T.R.E.A.M. SOLAR System Week

October 11, 2023

Calling all parents and guardians to embark on an extraordinary journey into the world of celestial wonders during the Annular Solar Eclipse Week at Parent/Child Incorporated! From October 10-13th, we invite you to participate in engaging activities with your children centered around the awe-inspiring Annular Solar Eclipse. Learn about the science behind eclipses, discover fascinating facts about the Sun and Moon, and unlock the universe's secrets. Ignite your imagination and spark discussions about the wonders of the cosmos.

Creative Crafts: Unleash your artistic talents and create celestial masterpieces inspired by the Annular Solar Eclipse by dressing up in a homemade costume. Engage in craft activities with your child/children where you can make your very own Sun, Moon, and Earth models, design eclipse-inspired artwork, or even build a mini solar system out of cardboard on October 13th in conjunction with the Global Cardboard Challenge in which a child can express their creativity through cardboard!

Family Bonding: Most importantly, Annular Solar Eclipse Week is a chance for families to unite, create lasting memories, and strengthen their bonds. Engage in meaningful conversations, encourage curiosity, and nurture a love for exploration and learning within your children.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to witness the Sun and Moon celestial dance! Mark your calendars and be part of Annular Solar Eclipse Week. Let's embark on an adventure that will leave you starstruck and inspired!