What's coming up!

October 31, 2020


I hope you have had a great week! I know everyone has been staying very busy face to face and distance learning, grab and go meals and everything in between! Take a deep breath…breathe in…hold it…breathe out! Keep up the great work. Before you know it, Thanksgiving will be here! Please review

CEO Message by clicking here:


After you have read the Message, please review the November calendar and pay close attention to payroll changes that will take place due to the Thanksgiving break. That information is highlighted in red in red, so please read carefully. I ask that you share this Message with staff that may not have access to email. Here’s hoping you have a great Friday and a safe weekend. If you plan to participate in Halloween activities, please remember the CDC guidelines to remain safe for yourself and your family.

Thank you for your service to PCI children and families. You are appreciated!

Dr. Small